购票 Buy tickets 

网上购票,请点这里 ,或者加我们微信号直接订票并支付:shuiyuetang2010

售票处 (+86)021-962388

团体销售 (+86)021-6249 0502

水乐工作坊报名:加微信号 shuiyuetang2010。陪同孩子们上艺术课堂的大人立享对折优惠票

票价 : 学生 80, 180, 280, 380, 580,  VIP 880

Buy online here or on Wechat: add shuiyuetang2010, specify the tickets you want and pay with Wechat wallet. Easy as pie!

Water Music Workshop reservations: add us on wechat shuiyuetang2010. 50% discount on performance ticket to each adult accompanying kids to the water music workshop

Box office tel:(+86)021-962388

Group sales tel:(+86)021-6249 0502

Ticket Prices (RMB):80 student, 180, 280, 380, 580,  VIP 880

日历 Schedule 

水乐堂实景演出:每周六晚上7点至8点 (整年)

艺术课堂:每周六下午3点至4点 (2016年7月至12月)

The Water Heavens performance: every Saturday at 7 pm. Show lasts approximately 63 minutes. (all year long)

The Water Music Workshop for kids: every Saturday 3 to 4 pm. Reservation obligatory. (From May 2017)

路线 How to get here 

水乐堂 -上海青浦区朱家角西井街1号

Water Heavens Hall - Shanghai Qingpu distr., Zhujiajiao old town, n. 1 Xijing rd.


自驾 By car

  • 延安高架-G50高速-朱家角出口-朱枫公路至课植园路右转-古镇课植园停车场。从课植园停车场直接进水镇。往前步行5分钟到底,水乐堂就在河右岸。
  • Take the G50 highway and take the Zhujiajiao exit; follow Zhufeng road to Kezhiyuan road, then turn right to Kezhiyuan parking lot. Entrance to Zhujiajiao is right on Kezhiyuan parking lot. Walk straight on for 5 minutes. Water Heavens hall is at the end, on the right-hand side of the riverbank.
  • Taxi/Uber

公交 By bus

  • 最快:在普安路车站乘沪朱高速专线,直到朱家角公交车站 (普安路近延安东路)。走路10分钟就到达水乐堂 (苹果地图,百度地图都能搜到《水乐堂》)
  • (Quickest) : take the Huzhu Express from Pu'an lu, crossing Yan'an Dong lu station (metro People's Square, exit 1). Goes directly to Zhujiajiao bus station. As you get off the bus, walk back on Xiangyingbang rd, then turn right on Xin Feng rd. Go straight until a big stone bridge (放生桥). Cross the bridge, turn left. Go straight through alleys until you get to another river and small bridge. Water Heavens is right across.